Let Love Lead You

Below post was written as a holiday spiritual boost!

I’m writing this blog from my studio flat in Pimlico as I am watching the world go by from my living room window and going back and forward into my kitchen ensuring that the chestnuts I put earlier on under the grill are roasted to perfection.


If you are just like me and love chestnuts I am sure you are right now using your imagination and you can smell the very aromas that are surrounding me right now.

Last night I was out with Daniel, a very close friend that I have known since my university days in the mid 90’s. Our conversation turned into a coaching session as he shared with me his recent experience of letting go some of the feelings that have held him back in his love life. What was interesting is that despite the healing process he underwent, as he continued to share with me I was able to pick up in his language the subconscious limited beliefs that hold him back that sabotaged the healing process bringing him back to square one. Through our chat I helped him identify the exact words he used and the energetic meaning, the beliefs he currently held and helped him create new positive affirmations to re program his subconscious mind. We also went through  some centring exercises to open his heart to love. Read More — Let Love Lead You

Power of Gratitude

I just got back from a charity bike ride cycling from Vietnam to Cambodia, little I knew when I signed up what was there to come, who I would meet on this trip, and the places I would visit and the people I would meet there. The image I had of Vietnam was one of “ Miss Saigon” and the many movies I have seen and the news I have over the years about the war there. As for Cambodia only what I have seen through the eyes of Angelina Jolly.

The most two significant things that made a foot print in my heart is cycling through the lanes, villages and people’s front door and the simplicity of the way they showed their gratitude and love, with a simple “Hello”. The second was each and every person who was part of this trip; all in their own way contributed to making this trip a very special one for me. Losing my special sunglasses during a trip to a bird sanctuary became a special powerful symbol to some on this trip that needed to be reminded in the power of gratitude and positive thinking, (you know who you are:))! Despite all of the odds I ended up getting them back, that is a story on its own, in short not only I found them but also I was invited to a food feast, shots of rice wine and was sang at a dinner table by the family that owned the sanctuary, an amazing experience not to forget. I am grateful to you all and to all the people in Vietnam, Cambodia and around the planet. Read More — Power of Gratitude